Designing with Cellulose, Water and Air

Eva Bullermann Futurium May-August 2024

Research Insight

In plants, water and air help stabilize finely grown structures. Textile designer Eva Bullermann follows this example from nature in her project »Designing with Cellulose, Water and Air«. The project focuses on complex material-saving structures that incorporate air and water as materials in the design.

The exhibited materials consist of carboxymethyl cellulose and glycerin. Carboxymethyl cellulose is a variant of cellulose that occurs in plants and is completely degradable. Carboxymethyl cellulose can be mixed with water, poured into molds, and dried. The air cushions in the project were glued together with wheat paste.

The samples are not yet mature products but rather experiments with the materials. The designer is using them as a means to investigate the formation and behavior of living materials.

Collaboratively developed scenarios and prototypes

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